Pontypool is a psychological thriller distributed bt Maple Picturess. The plot is about a deadly virus that infects a small town in Ontario. The genre of the movie Pontypool is a Fantasy, and is also a Myster Horror. I consider Pontypool to also be a cult film as only a small number of people who are interested in ‘Epidemic Infection’ Movies in small towns. Alot of these movies have popped up overtime ; films such as ‘The Crazies’, ‘The Carriers’ and ’28 Weeks Later’.
This textual analysis will be focusing on the teaser trailer for Pontypool movie directed by Bruce McDonald. The trailer lasts a minute and a half .
The teaser opens up with a quick track in shot of a radio ‘On Air’ sign. We immediately know that the setting of this trailer will mainly be shot in a radio station. We also hear a voiceover of one of the characters in the film telling the viewer the Radio station number and the name of the Radio station.
The scene the cuts to him walking into the room, raising one of the decibel levels on the mixer, popping a bottle of beer , pouring it in a glass and him closing it again. This all proceeds within the first 6 seconds of the trailer, the cuts were all very quick and smooth. This gives the viewer a sense that the Character on screen is a laid back beer drinker. The colour grading in the trailer is very flat and virtually colourless. The colour curves have been reduced so that the bright colours don’t stand out as much as they originally would. There are also a lot of shadows in the cuts.
After that it cuts to a two second preview of the company logo. As it cuts the music turns then turns into a slow paced heavy metal kind of music, and that music continues for another 19 seconds into the trailer. Even though the tempo of the music is slow it has a heavy texture to it. It connotes the movie is going to be something wild, and eventful.
Subsequent to that, we now see a series of ‘Call and Response’ cut. The trailer introduces a new character into the trailer. This character is a woman who somewhat seems to be the radio producer/director, directing the host in what he should do during the show. Most of these shots are tracked to the left. This implies that these two character will be working side by side and they are ‘partners in crime’ We see many reaction shots from the woman, giving a lot of body language and facial expressions. The audience are immediately attracted to think she is the happy, light spirited person within the radio station. This lets us know there are two characters now that have a relationship as ‘work buddies’.
At 0:23 seconds there is a change in the vibe of the whole trailer when we are given a black screen with what looks like a wave form flashing from either a monitor or some sort of sound program. This links us back to the radio station theme of the whole film. Radio stations are based on sounds and speech so wave levels are usually a prime factor.
The music also changes from 0:23, and it becomes more of an eerie, dark, sinister sounds. Clips of a phone call to the radio station are also overlaid; muffled vehicles and screams coming from a telephone call.
We then proceed to more Medium Close Up Reaction shots from the other workers in the room. We now know that everything is not alright. We also see quick cuts of body’s and peoples pictures flashing in and out of the scene until 0:37. This connotes that there are some sort of secrets to be revealed as to why such pictures were taken. At this point fear becomes an emotion as to what is happening in the trailer.
At 0:36 we see a title giving us information on an event in which is occurring within the movie. We see the use of the waveform in the title transitions sticking to the theme of the movie. More informational shots corresponding with the title.
The title says “6.00am IT WAS AN ISOLATED INCIDENT” ; By them being able to give us an exact time this means that things develop very quickly in this film and we will quickly see changes in the film. Then we see a corresponding shot of a television and news reporter stating that “Police have blocked off roads”. This shows us its starting to get serious
The proceeding title then says 7:00AM IT BECAME A MINOR EPICDEMIC”. Then we see a corresponding shot after that of the lady character saying “Everybody has to stay inside at all times”. This shows the serverity of the situation. We see alot of gloomy, shadowy shots. These are conventions in horror movies. And the colour grading is like a tint of blue and more flat colours.
After a few more of those shots by the last one which says by “10:00AM IT COULD NOT BE STOPPED” , the audience now know it is a full blown outbreak.
All the while this is happening the music is shady and very hollow. At the end of the montage of shots (0:58) We also hear echoed voices shouting into what sounds like a phone, because we hear the distortion in the voice of the person. The mood we are now put in is a helpless one. We hear this voice in the distant but we are not able to do anything to help him. These are trademark techniques used within Horror movie trailers. The audience is always made to feel like they wish they could save the characters on screen.
So far the pace of the trailer has been very steady. It has also been informative letting us know where, when and what’s happening without giving away too much. (Convention)
Between 1:03 – 1:09 we hear no music. We just hear the fear in the voices of the characters on screen. Silence is usually tense in horror movies and we know that something bad is about to happen. After 1:09 the pace of the trailer begins to pick up and more outtakes from the moves are included in between titles. Until the end of the trailer.
To conclude, I have discovered that Horror movie trailers are very tedious to edit. There are alot of quick and abrupt cuts within one. Some of them not even up to half a second long. Also when editing , I realise that you can not give away to much within the trailer. Also the pace of the trailer needs to pick up towards the end, in sound and in video clips. The music towards the end becomes more and more horrifying and the shots become alot lot quicker cut.