Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Progress Update 30/11/2010

We have been able to complete most of the shots on our Storyboard !

Due to adverse weather conditions, the college has not been open , disabling us from doing any filming. We hope that when the weather blows over we can do some filming .

Here is a picture of the snow in which hit London by surprise :

Picture taken from my Blackberry 8900 ; From my bedroom window

Tuesday, 23 November 2010


Harold, Ryan and Ife-  please e4nsure you bring your work up to date.

Ife- your textual analyses are progressing well, but all three should have been completed by now-  I can only see two analyses here, please add the other one as soon as possible.

Harold-  you have not uploaded any textual analyses so far-  this was work you should have completed in September.  please rectify this immediately.

Ryan-  as for Harold-  you also have not uploaded any textual analyses yet.  please rectify this immediately-  this work should have been completed in september.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Progress Update 03/11/2010

So far as a group we have not been able to film any of the shots due to unavailable use of location. We are planning to film on the tuesday morning of 9/11/2010 using the desired corridor.
Within that time we have been updating blog and getting on with the required work.

All that is left is a textual analysis and an audience research from the group.

- Harold Kuenyefu (Producer)